The hunt continues...

Oct 22, 2008 19:44

Up to this point, I've sent off 35 job applications. That's in five weeks. All in my chosen field, all which I am fully qualified to do.

Resulting in one really weird interview, and one 'sorry, someone with more experience was hired'.

Ten of those applications involved enduring the tragic hell of some company's idea of an on-line application process. May the people responsible for those abominations of programming be first against the wall when the revolution comes.

Only 8 of those 35 applications were even acknowledged... half by auto-responders, and the other half by actual living breathing human beings. Now, come on, folks. Seriously. These positions are not going to be getting huge numbers of applicants, and the $$ involved with the position is not miniscule.

A simple acknowledgement isn't asking very much, is it?

Oh well, the waiting game continues. It's tough to not get down at times.

safety canary, careers, hire edumakation, the flagstone path

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