(no subject)

Jan 08, 2008 15:32

Ok, so you all know me mr. pro gun rights,
and the most common argument I get from you, my friends, is that "allowing people to carry guns simply won't work in american society, we're too violent" or something of that nature.

well take a look at this http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2008801060602

After making it easier for citizens to get their right to carry permits in Michigan, more specifically, Detriot, murder rates have begun to decline now that 1 in 6 citizens are registered to carry guns. Detriot, one of the most violent areas in the united states.

Now, I'm gonna take a wild guess and assume that those of you who disagree with me on the point of gun control (most of you) are going to either brush over the article, ignore this post, continue to disagree with me or a combination of the others. But if you want to challenge this with some information you may have found, or your opinion, based on whatever factors rule your life, then by all means.
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