righto... so aside from everyone suddenly playing secondlife now, I have some rather interesting news...
actually, I cant talk about it, you just have to see for yourself, I will let you all know though, I will be participating FSM damn it
December 22 - Global Orgasm It's a science project, too:
Global Consciousness Project, Princeton University, runs a network of Random Event Generators (REGs) around the world, which record changes in randomness during global events. The results show that human consciousness can be measured to have a global effect on matter and energy during widely-watched events such as 9/11 and the Indian Ocean tsunami. There have also been measurable results during mass meditations and prayers.
The Zero Point Field or Quantum Field surrounds and is part of everything in the universe. It can be affected by human consciousness, as can be seen when simple observation of a subatomic particle changes the particle’s state.
Basically you have no excuse not to do it... unless you are at your grandparents house for the holidays, and the only place you could possibly do it has all those pictures of relatives you don't really know...