(no subject)

Mar 21, 2008 11:28

Day Forty-Seven
Your Name: Snow White
Suicidal Ideation: 0
Homicidal Ideation: 0
Amount of Sleep Last Night: A bunch.
Any Lucid or Vivid Dreams? Explain.: Rude clones. Thousands of them. Kind of terrifying, yeah?
Moods Experienced Today: Shock and joy and pain. Usual stuff.
Mood Triggers: Rufus, Elena, and Rude are all here now, it's the freakiest shit, yo. Just need Tseng to head over and I won't have any reason to go back to NY. I'm kinda glad though. Yeah, and then I fell off'a the rafters in the gym and broke my damn ankle. All Rufus' fault!
Significant Thoughts of the Day: Well, seeing the gang made me less homesick (jobsick?)
Favorite Time of Day and Why: Hug from Rude!
Least Favorite Time of Day and Why: Definitely the broken ankle part.
How You Are Enjoying Your Therapy: Fab, as always.
Noticable Improvements: Better mood, I guess.

daily therapy sheet

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