Feb 07, 2008 17:32
Merrrr so bored, guess I'll do one of these today.
Day Forty-One
Your Name: They call me the muffin man
Suicidal Ideation: 0
Homicidal Ideation: 0
Amount of Sleep Last Night: I dunno when I went to bed or when I woke up, so as a wild guess I'll put 15 hours
Any Lucid or Vivid Dreams? Explain.: Candyland! I thought I was eating a candy cane, apparently it was Haine's finger. Sorry dude.
Moods Experienced Today: I had some smokes . . fuunn art time, so I was pretty happy.
Mood Triggers: Oh, watercolors do cheer me right up.
Significant Thoughts of the Day: I don't feel like sharin'.
Favorite Time of Day and Why: Foodtimes.
Least Favorite Time of Day and Why: Probably right now.
How You Are Enjoying Your Therapy: All sunshine and daisies, yo.
Noticable Improvements: At least I'm doin' the damn sheet?
daily therapy sheet