interest thingy

Sep 22, 2005 10:01

LJ Interests meme results

  1. beer:
    I love beer, thats pretty obvious.
  2. clerks:
    This is one of the best movies. It's so simple and so damn funny.
  3. family guy:
    One of the funniest shows ever made. Peter Griffin is my hero.
  4. ladies:
    I like ladies.
  5. oxymoron:
    Haven't listened to them in awhile...but they have some damn great songs.
  6. sinners and saints:
    The first time I listened to this album, I just about crapped my's THAT good. Andy's right, it needs to be on vinyl.
  7. the adolescents:
    Great band. I used to listen to them almost every day on the drive to work back in the old days.
  8. the dwarves:
  9. the ramones:
    It's the Ramones...need I say more?
  10. tsol:
    This band went from great, to shit, back to great.

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