what time is it...GAME TIME!

Jul 30, 2005 20:28

blahh....im stupid

blah....blahh what else can i do wrong

please tell me......i feel like shit.......

because i am...........it stinks........some one like save me from my big boring house.. never thought i would be this bored with 4 more days of summer left..


=I im full...

!@#$%^&*()_+++++++++_)&^&*(__---==*()7(*^*$54#$%#**&*..woke up late wanted to do something but didnt..because im not exciting...and still waiting for something to happen......i knew i should of confronted steve..what the cat poop?

Yay its cool symbal time%$**((>>:<":;';.';.:";:}+(&^%$#!#%&())*&$9

kinda makes you want to do a puzzle..

just me..
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