May 07, 2006 17:22
Hey everybody! I just wanted to update because I am bored and I just thought it was time for another update!
May 1st.-School!
May 2nd.-School!
May 3rd.-School! I had an exam that day and I effin' hate exams . . Ugh = (
May 4th.-School!
May 5th.-School! Was suppose to go to Chrissi's but didn't! Instead I went on two effin' runs && the last run we got lost in Kentucky or however you spell it && didn't get home till 4:30 in the morning! Plus we raced a truck && that was awesome && we won, HaHa*
May 6th.-School! Yesterday was my sister's prom && she looked so beautiful! I also stayed a night with Destinee!
May 7th.-(Today)Well, I was at Destinee's && I just got home a little while ago so I decided to update!
Well, Yall I decided to sign up for CCMS next year && hopefully I get to do it! I have been wanting to do CCMS since I was in the 5th. grade! I also signed up for Volleyball && I don't know how to play worth crap, but I thought I would try something new && plus I have been wanting to play Volleyball all year so here is my chance! Oh I might be deleteing my journal because I barely have time to update it && when I do have time I don't even feel like it, LoL! Gosh, I barely have time to comment anymore! So I might not be having a journal much longer, but I haven't made my decision yet!
This is my update so now leave me some comments!
I Love You Joshua <3