May 02, 2008 22:31
entry from the other day at the 'ouse:
tired today. i am still achy from a wrestling session sunday. my ribs may be slightly bruised, my arm muscles stressed, abdomen sore when i twist - it feels good. i have not been in such an energetic grappling session for a while... wow, fantastic!
ok, so i was just offered cherry yogurt by a pr0nstar, f0rrealz - how fun is that? i did not accept.
so the new job is fun, and varied. at my daylight (as opposed to ...moonlight?) my boss has been promoted. she is now an uber director, which leaves her position free. there is talk of a re-org, which is noted, but i also note that i am one of two senior people in the department. does the other have any ambition? not sure. as she has been in the same job for seven years, i doubt it.
would i want a promotion? i have asked for one, as recently as my last review in March - more responsibilities? i say. now that there may be a horizon in view, what do i actually want for myself?