After 40 Years, They Still Have Lame Aliens.

May 18, 2009 11:56

Long time, no post, dear Livejournal. I couldn't help but notice several posts on my friends page that asked the question "Where is everyone? Why does no one post anymore?" Ever since Facebook got all the rage a couple years ago it really put a nail in the old LJ coffin, which I suppose was bound to happen. Ironically, I can't go to a bar or nightclub and not see every second person with a digital SLR taking rapid-fire shots for to enjoy with the internet later.  I remember a time when I was one of the few doing this, but blogging was a skill and an art of more than a few sentences. Then again, I also have no idea what Twitter is ... also, I just did a radio show last night with two 16 year old rock stars, and it made me feel well aged, like cheese, and not wine.

I could at least be sure to find people older than me at this Star Trek convention / marathon I went to on Saturday down at the Rio Theatre. I felt like I was cheating on Star Wars, but it was fun just the same.

Something else that makes me feel like an old fart is that I can't figure out how to make a cut in Livejournal work anymore, so you're not going to get one.

The good old balcony. Some nerd up here had 700 too many "witty" remarks to make during the screening of "Space Seed", so we bailed on it by the time they showed "Wrath of Khan". Mystery Science Theatre 3000 is only funny on the TV, dude!

This was the Klingon rap-battle, that wasn't even in Klingon!

In the off-season she does a mean slave Leia.

The marathon ended with the new Trek movie. Though I wouldn't call myself a Trekkie by any means,  I can understand their love/hate feelings towards it. It has a consistent mix of inaccuracies but a tenacious attention to proper details.  I guess the average moviegoing audience doesn't care either way, and they're the ones that make this thing fly.

Got to admit thought, I was most exited for what started the whole thing off, an episode from the old cartoon (written by the guy who played the original Chekov no less,and he was never even on cartoon). I forgot how rad that show was, perhaps more mod and stylish than the original it is based from? Well, maybe, if not for the episode ending with this unfortunate (but hilarious) bit of dialogue.

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