Our baby girl Keyera Sue is here. She was born via c-section Wednesday at 9:30am. They gave me the spinal as discused and Eric sat with me and held my hand while they performed the c-section. It was such a weird feeling being awake while they were cutting me open. It didn't hurt though. When they pulled her out Eric screamed in joy "there she is" with the huggest smile I have ever seen. It was such an amazing experience. She weighed 6lbs 16oz and is sooooo tiny! She sleeps, eats and visits just a weeee bit it seems. She's only 6 days old, what can I expect?
I'm recovering quite well. You're supposed to stay in the hospital for 3-5 days after but they let me go at 48 hours. I'm pushing myself to recover as quick as I can and I think it's really working. I lost 22lbs in the past 6 days so things are going great!
Time to play with baby girl. Here's a quick little peak at her!