(no subject)

May 17, 2005 18:40

pizza hut yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. joined tora, helly and conni in a good ol social gathering at pizza hut! damn it was good, i almost cried with laughter on many occasions!! (conni, oh yea machaela stracham..me, is that katies cousin??!, con, noo..shes from the really wild show) LOL, and almost passing out in the toilets laughing so much about a deaf guy who has a phone and answers it SCREAAAAMINNG at the top of his lungs. and helena stating that hills are the devils work! lmao had a blast hehehe 'oh tora' i do thank u guys 4 payin 4me, sorry my contribution was only £2. i was confident in thinkin that i had £4 in my bank and wrote it on the paper but the lady brought me back 2 reality with the fact £2.50 only existed, oh i have so much 2 live 4 lol.

at the moment i feel i cud roll over and die, i swear im deaf 2....may have 2 scream down the phone at u guys some point in the future. jeeezzz im a schmuck on wheels!!
p.s. sociology. hmmm, was ok/crap.. oh well glad ones over with!
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