Well yet another huge gap since my last update, I really am crap at keeping a diary/journal!
So; I started a job 4 weeks ago and most of my time has been spent working, commuting and watching tv instead of surfing the interwebs and working on my BootPawz. Progress on the 'Pawz have slowed but I'm working on them at weekends and some evenings when I'm not too distracted.
Getting used to a working week after such a long time unemployed takes some getting used to though. It's not like I'm doing loads of hours. I even got broken in easily with the recent bank holidays at easter, though being a contractor I'm not getting paid for holidays (yet) so my wages did suffer in that regard.
The car is going well and returning good mpg, but the bike is feeling neglected; so I decided to take him to work on friday, however after my recent burst of activity my appetite has grown too; I seem to be storing the extra food as blubber instead of burning it off! This revealed itself when I zipped my leathers up and my t-age promptly burst open as I breathed out gently. This has happened a couple of times before so it wasn't a complete surprise, but I found out that if I didn't stand up straight and held my belly in the zip would maintain its integrity. Not the most confidence boosting when out on the bike and rather distracting when my mind should be on machine control and reading the road. So I've not been out that frequently which bums me out as I know Colin wants to go riding with me.
Luckily the zips on my suit are 'self healing' but once they've been broached they are never the same. One thing that will salvage the situation is to drop the weight and then get both zips replaced, a much cheaper option than buying a new suit. This suit is my only one right now and to those that know me will testify that it's a very special item to me.
I'm terribly self-analytical and though my intentions are usually good my mind finds ways to escape my well thought out plans, especially when it comes to health and fitness. What I needed was something to shock me into action and not being able to get into my beloved Dainese could well do it; short of that a health wake-up call, yes that's how much this leather garment means to me!
For now I've convinced my good friend Mdot48 to lend me the white t-age I sold him a few years back as he's not going to be using it for a while sadly. This one was a size too big for me and hopefully that will give me the time I need to get back to a size where my leathers don't cause me discomfort and make me out of breath.
I know my friends tell me I'm not that fat but I know I'm offically obese according to my height versus weight and after my medical for my new job I've been told I'm borderline 'morbidly obese' so being a normal size again is a good, positive goal. My mates' support was and still is appreciated however I'm not happy the size I am and my goal isn't to get to a specific weight as I never weigh myself but rather more related to size of leathers and hopefully that will provide me with the motivation to save up for a second set of leathers to enjoy, but not only that increase my stamina and enjoy life more!
My black t-age is a size 50 and has been stretched gently over the years to be comparable to a size 52. The white one is a size 52 and I'm aiming to get back down to a comfortable size 50. The white t-age will be a snug fit but at least I won't be putting strain on the zips like I did with my black one.
I'm considering the best way to drop the weight is by adjusting my diet, considering that most weight loss diets are either voodoo or marketing bumf so I'm going to try cutting wheat from my routine to begin with; as I've heard results can be quite noticable in a short time but god knows what I'll replace it with! From what little online research I've done so far I'm hoping it will help my skin complexion too.
Once I'm down to a more respectable size I can think about a more rigourous exercise routine and I have ideas to get me more active but I won't go into details now, save that for my next update...oh in about 2 months time maybe? :P