College radio DIDN’T SUCK, it might sound like my radio show.
Remember when you could actually listen to college radio? If I wanted to hear
reverb from chainsaws while some girl moans about her snatch o’ pain, I’d go to Lilith Fair.
You can rest assured listening to my show that if you hear reverb of any sort, it isn’t being caused by me having sex with an animal on top of my Marshall amp.
You really should listen you know. Maybe you’ll hear something you like, maybe you’ll
want to hunt me down and make me eat yogurt (which to me, is like swallowing hydrochloric acid to the rest of you). Either way, we’ll all know what you do & don’t like.
2:00 PM for the Eastern United States (East Coast represent, y0!)
7:00 PM for Ireland & the UK (19:00 if you wanna get really technical)
??? for the rest of the world because it requires more maths than my
recommended daily allowance.
It’s FREE, so lend me your ears- and not in a Van Gogh kinda way. If I wanted a mad man sitting in a pile of shit to cut off his ear & write me love letters, I’d go to the homeless shelter and/or Western Ireland(little joke for my Irish friends there).
Just click & be amazed and/or sickened: xoxox,