i think i spendt the dog food money but they will love me just the same

Jun 29, 2010 01:19

trying to make me feel guilty cause you have no money and drove from Charlotte N.C. to here to get some
your lack of gas and money to get it is none of my concern

you can think i am heartless for this
but it is still nothing to me

i have heard every excuse there isn't anything you can say to make me bend to your will
it is you who should be more aware and not relying of others to help you

we're all in this alone

there is nothing more than that

the last couple of days i passed by a baby crow and pondered on whether or not to pick it up and raise it only to find it had gotten hit by a car over the weekend i should of saved it when i had the chance it makes me sad to walk by its little body plastered to the street

i am no hero i would love to but i am not

good god the sandwich i got for dinner is making me hungry good thing i had left overs i think i'll finish it up smoke more cigarettes and finish my coke and go to bed to sleep away the rest of this day for the drugs are wearing off
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