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Aug 22, 2007 23:30

I just watched "Communion" with my sister. It is pretty ridiculous. Christopher Walken is Whitley Streiber, the abductee. At the climax of the movie, he dresses up in a black suit with a funny hat and goes to see them. They dance for him, give him high-fives and then explain how he is a chosen one. I still have residual xenophobia when I'm in the deep dark night but I was absolutely non-plussed by the movie. Then I went on a communion website and read this little exchange:

Interviewer: The assumption that the visitors are "lifting" cigarettes doesn't imply that they're taking anything else, like food. In my opinion, their apparent activities are staged for the benefit of the witness. It's likely that their seeming preoccupation with earthly fixations is projected, and might not even have anything to do with material objects, per se. I think more in terms of holograms or induced perceptions.

Whitley Streiber: I halfway suspect that they smoke. I've gotten dozens of letters from people who smell cigarette smoke when they are around. If they do smoke, it is going to freak a lot of people out totally, including me. Can you imagine finally getting to go to the mothership and discovering that the place is full of cigarette smoke? That they smoke like coneheads and they don't care about cancer? It's a nightmare, I must admit. And surely only that!

I thought this was hilarious. Aliens stealing cigarettes! Then I remembered this weird experience I had where I drove down a deserted road in the middle of the woods recently and smoked a cigarette. I was kinda freaked out because it was pitch black and I felt sort of vulnerable with the window open. In the car, I started writing a story about an alien who comes out of the darkness, takes my cigarette, smokes it and leaves. I remember it as being very vivid and I liked it. Though I didn't get to finish it because I was creeped out. I looked at it later and thought "why the hell would I write a story about an alien smoking a cigarette? why would I think that a ridiculous idea like that would work?" I was temporarily chilled by this coincidence, and again a few minutes ago when the dvd player went on screensaver mode and turned the room black, but now I am ok.
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