(no subject)

Jun 13, 2005 03:58

It never fails that when I come out of hiding long enough to express a little creativity in this media, some little fuck will decide to try to make me feel bad about it. Unfortunately for him, I'm in the process of trying to redirect my life and state of understanding to a place where unhappiness is not avoided but instead does not exist, and therefore, I will try to do this with out really being hostile in any way. Of course I still will, such is human nature, but consider this my disclaimer, I tryed to be dojo.

Besides the vast grammatical errors (you couldn't spell engine), you apparently haven't picked up a history book ever. Page 1, The Revolutionary War won by George Washington and the Continental Army with assistance from the Militia and French Army. However, I digress. Thomas Jefferson opposed the Hamiltonian, Federalist view of the economy and had a political party based on his world view. Harrison was a Beatle. Needless to say, that is a fallible jump in logic. The more apt and accurate term would be the Spaniards, not Catholics. As far as I am aware the Supreme Pontiff did not issue a Papal Bull saying "Go forth and invest them with cocaine." I'm going to skip over the next several portions because it is just nonsense and deal with the phrase that interests me the most, Romulus and Remus. By the way Rome historically and not mythically, as you have tried to cause these ignorant plebeians to believe, was founded in 753 BC. You have vastly misinterpreted the legend. Though I am still not sure of what America's lust for oil has to do with an ancient empire, save that America is an empire. Also for a reference to an oil country, Saudi Arabia would be superior to Venezuela. I also am going to call an end to my ty-raid because quite frankly, I have better things to do at this point.

the thinkingliberal

That was this geniuses reply. Lucky him, now everyone can see what an idiot I am. Now maybe someone can explain to himwhat a poem is. There's nothing like an idiot trying to make some else feel stupid. I don't even know where to get started.
My vast gramatical errors (I'll start at the beggining) Writers don't have to know how to spell. Read a book before you criticize the artrist, shit for brains. I never said I knew how to spell, and I guess you've never heard of a play on words, or mispelling on purpose, but clearly you don't understand self stated creativity.
And though it's just as petty as your points, for your own pathetic satisfaction, when I was a kid and doctors hopped me up on speed, I would study history and geography books for hours, so why don't you take a walk...off a cliff, you bitch.
You, who has so much knowledge about this war, would surely understand that the French didn't "assist", they turned the failing tide of a failed and lost cause. And they weren't a militia. And Washington (who I generally like) had lost the majority of his supporters due to his failed millitary engagements. So...it's really okay with me that you're uneducated on what you claim to know, but don;t try to make others feel bad about it.
Jefferson also very much so perused through Paris and her women, and that's why Adoms is a hero...because he didn't. And if you really think that I thought George Harrison was a US politician, then there's really no reason for me to argue with you anymore, because being mean to the mentaly handicaped is worse than being mean to the stupid, and you're clearly one of the two. And considering I was the author, I'd like to take this chance to mention that I never said anything about Hamilton, who I despise, or anything about Jefferson, other than his liking the women of Paris. That is truth, it is impossible to dispute, and it reflects poorly on you to try to.
Any shit face is aware that the Catholics ruled all of mainland Europe. this might be why Luther did what he did and so many innocent people died, but no, you're probably right, I'm probably just an idiot.
It very clearly says in Catholic doctrine that animals don't have a spirit. When they arived in Central America, they found the native workers eating the coca leaf for energy, and declared such actions sinful. Once they observed the fall in the level of work being done by them, they changed this policy slightly, so that they could again eat the plant for energy. My aplication of coca to coaine is again something that people like to call creative, but I guess you've never heard of that word while you've been filling your ears with solid bull shit. Now, if you can give me a deffendable reason why a religious body would do something like that, than I'll shut up, and I'm sure you'll give me a false one, so I'll go ahead and take that back. But then again, if you're a deffender of Catholocism, than I have nothing more to say to you.
Your inability to see the aplication for greedy lust to an imperial view (which started American imperialsim on different things a long time ago) is particullarly interesting to me. By the way, nice usage of a word, I bet that makes you feel really good about yourself. This is somethign else I took some recognizable education from a real teacher about. I can't really tell what you're trying to disprove here, because Romulus did kill Remus, and this aplication is refering simply to "history is written by the winners of the war". I guess that's wrong to, damn, I'm such a fuck up. Or...no...wait, that's completely true. I never said anything about the difference between the real and mythical founding of Rome, but you're clearly not a very logical or reasonable person, so I'm sure this is all Chinese to you. But you're probably a master of Chinese, you historical genius, you.
I never so much as hinted to the numbers 753, so good job proving me wrong on something I didn't say, you're a real hero.
A common failure by the ignorant, I was speaking of a direct quote from the Venezueland and the Cuband in the treaty they recently signed. That's what they called us. Word for word. And I also never said, "Venezuela produces mopre oil than any one else." again, another great way to miss the point.
You must have better things to do, that's why you make pathetic critiques to the shortly though out poetry of people you don't know, or you would at least pretend you don't know for one reason or another.

I wish I hadn't had to write all this. This is the first time I've really wanted to make any one see how wrong they were in a long time, and it's set me back a lot. Thanks, I owe you one, right in the balls.
My suggestion to you, is to read a book of poetry. It'll probably piss you off, seeing as how you understand everything in the world, but you might pull something out of it, or maybe it would pull something out of you. I would suggest some Kerouack, but it's not my place to tell idiots what will make them better, and surprisingly, it's not your place to try to either, who would have thought.

You're a real sad shit. I hope some of this got you of once or twice, because I'm sure nothing beautiful in the world ever does.
Friendliness is a real nice change from assenine shit. Give it a try.
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