Aug 24, 2004 02:14
Tonight was adventurous, and I'm not sure in a good way or not.
A bunch of us went to the Astros baseball game and had so much fun. Then, as we were leaving the game, our friend Billy decides to slid down the railing of the stairs and he didn't quite make it. He fell backwards over the railing and down 15 feet and landed on his back onto the stairs below, he bounced a few times. It was one of the scariest things to witness. He laid there for a bit and finally managed to get up. We then went into the closest entrance of the ballpark and got some help for him. The peramedics came and taped him onto a board that would stabalize his body. They weren't sure if his neck was severly hurt or not. Then they rushed him by ambulance to the hospial a few blocks away. So, the rest of us followed and had to sit in the waiting room for an eternity it felt like. They said he had broken ribs, a possible fracture to the shoulder and to the arm......well this isnt for sure because he check himself out of the hospital because he was sick of waiting on the doctors and nurses to come and talk to him. But we know the broken ribs are a fact. Afterwards we all went to Mai's and ate tofu to celebrate Billys being alive-ness(umm ya i dont think thats a word). Billy ended up being okay........he will just be frickin' sore tomorrow.
We are sooo glad nothing to damaging happened to him. Hes tuff, hes a trooper, hes our hero of the night.
p.s. it was a good game though :)