Aug 24, 2018 17:33
“All this has happened before and all of this will happen again.” -BSG
This quote is so relevant. I feel like we change stories every once in a while (that’s a good thing), but we quickly become trapped in old familiar patterns and ruts. In BSG, there are “angels” that interact with two of the characters in ways they don’t understand. Not only do the characters not understand the motivations and purpose of these angels, but the audience doesn’t either. At first glance, it appear that these angels are trying to influence the character towards God’s plan. However, God’s plan appears to be ever changing, or the angels don’t know what God’s plan is, or it’s always changing, or perhaps God’s plan is not a destination but a journey that cannot be explained and can only be lived. I know BSG is only a show, but shows function as excellent templates for larger than life ideas and thoughts. I find myself living in a BSG type world where I’m stuck in a loop. I’m surrounded by people who believe that their fates are predetermined, “All of this has happened before and all of this will happen again.” These individuals rarely experience true regret for any length of time and feel called to continue in their personal life loops. They see their journey through life as one directional. They have goals. They pursue said goals. If they do not achieve said goals, they alter course and resume. Rare, is the individual who stops and questions the journey. I like to view goals as bidirectional. The forward goal is only as worthy as the space between the time the goal was made and the goal was achieved. This space is the journey. It can never be known ahead of time and the best we can do is stop every so often and try to understand how our goals and desires are changing us. Many more thoughts... The person most likely to read this is the person who inspired it.