Jan 13, 2005 02:40
It's quite the paradox how we humans are thrill seekers and claim to want the most out of life and yet when we aren't on the edge we want to be numb to everything. I find this to be true in everybody, but I'm most aware of it in my closest friends and in myself. I see the tendency to avoid our problems and issues through "fixes." For some of us this "fix" is drinking, drugs, sex, etc, etc... Whatever the fix is though it serves the purpose of making us numb. It takes away the pain for a moment, but also makes us prisoners to it. I'm not going to turn this post into a self help book, but I do want to call attention to this epidemic of numbness around us. I know of my own issues and the "fixes" I partake in to numb myself to them. I am trying to help myself, but I'd also appreciate the help of others. I feel as friends we should all try to better ourselves and the ones we love. Yeah, it's quite the process, but it's one I feel we should all take. Well, that's my 2 cents.
Oh yeah, and my future is all over the place. I have so many thoughts and so little direction. I'm definitely looking for that perfect fit.