true confessions of a charlotte goyle*

Feb 05, 2008 21:23

confession:  i write badly in script format... screenplay or otherwise.**

i mean, what do you think of a rocky-esque political drama about a woman that attempts to get nominated--present day-- to run for president?

i might like the beginning to start with a voice over in a maternity ward-- the main character talking about her anonymous, inauspicious start as a jane doe baby. then we'd pull back and realize she's talking to a crowd of people from behind a podium. (i still want everything to BE very character-based, though-- rather than a wide and sweeping condemnation of politicians and a romanticized portrait of "the little guy".  my idea is that she doesn't get the nomination***, doesn't get her bill through congress (even with grassroots support?), runs on a rather popular third party platform (i'm thinking lovably eccentric, "mad as hell and not gonna take it" ross perot-esque) and STILL doesn't win the election... but the ending of the story would involve a cutaway, with the camera relocated on a news anchor talking on the daily show about her new book examining how this politician-ess' rhetorical style and style of politics and ideas have been absorbed into the mainstream. certainly it would have populist overtones-- i'd want the ending to leave the audience in doubt as to whether her speeches and trials and actions have actually made a difference in what seems to be an unbreakable precedent of the two party system... along with apathy, misuse and abuse in american politics.    ("jane doe goes to washington"? kind of an obvious title, but an homage-- although i've never actually seen mr. smith goes to washington. i guess i should. i shall go try to find it on the internet.)

so hey-- too saccharine? not saccharine enough?

confession: i read newspaper syndicated comic strips. (yes, i even glance at garfield. it's been a ritual of mine since i was ten, ok?)

sometimes they make me smile some. (today, 2-5-08)

sometimes they make me want to kill things. (ALSO today, 2-5-08)

now, is it just me, or does this second instance, a mother goose and grimm joke (because those are SEWWWW hilAAAAArious and not at ALL a gigantic ripoff of gary larson's style-- and he did it better) look much like something FUNNIER from somewhere ELSE? please notice the dates. i'm not going to go off or rant and rave, because i've seen it before.

drawing that comparison may be unfair, and the similarity in this case is most likely coincidental, but let the record show that the internet produced it first and funniest. (and pez dispensers don't open at the MOUTH, they open at the NECK, jackass!)

really, i guess what i'm trying to say is that in general, comic content-- by creators SANS credentials or job title-- is WAY better than antiquated, syndicated strips that attempt to pander to everyone all at once. (the artificial diversity the charlotte observer is striving for makes me want to puke. in the sunday funnies they're running some vampire princess manga serial shit. not even GOOD manga!)

confession: there were more confessions on my list, but i'm sick of writing, tired of myself and getting a little twitchy staring at so many pixels for so long.

eh, i always write some long-ass shit anyway. i bore even myself.

*thanks, bugs bunny. conversely: am i a goyle? what makes a goyle a goyle and not a lady? i don't think i am mature enough to be a lady. (let's all sing with mary martin together, kids! "iiii won't grow up! not a penny will i pinch...!")

**i'm trying to get less paranoid about sharing my ideas for stories in my blogs... i mean, who's going to steal them, anyway? (however! if you're named ann and you're doing a series of stories based on fairy tale characters, feel free to consider THIS idea: little red riding hood discovering her identity as a lesbian. "oh my! leslie, i couldn't! you're my FRIEND! and... and... what big eyes you have! what big lips you have!" you could make it hilarious OR poignant... either route! or both!)

***like ron paul! but less of a potential fiasco... and less of a lunatic. and more attractive to voters. ("gosh, becky-- i don't know! it's hard to take a man with two first names seriously!")
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