(no subject)

Mar 24, 2006 21:25

Nothing overly thrilling to report, but I liked this little meme dealy, so here we are. Have a good weekend, all.

Use the picture you like best from the first page of the search results on Google Image. Mention your search terms and the URL of the page it came from.
1. The city and state (or province) of the town you grew up, no quotation marks.
2. The town where you currently reside.
3. Your name, first and last, but again, no quotes.
4. Your grandfather's name.
5. Your favorite food.
6. Your favorite drink.
7. Your favorite smell.


1. Oakville, Ontario; where I lived from 2-13. From adayonearth.org.


2a. Whitby, Ontario; moved here when I was 18, live there when not in Peterborough. From adayonearth.org.


2b. Peterborough, Ontario; altho I'll be finished school here in a month. Scary. From www.peterboroughaa.org.


3. Kristin Crawford; shockingly enough, Crawford is a really common last name. THis has nothing to do with that, but it's the only thing that wasn't a picture of some random chick. From www.usd312.k12.ks.us


4a. James Wilson; my mom's dad who, funnily enough, was a judge. From www.constitution.org


4b. Cliff Crawford; Dad's dad. Technically I suppose I should have put in Clifton Crawford, but then I wouldn't have gotten a bunch of pretty cliff pictures! From www.newenglandphoto.com

Ice cream

5. Ice cream; not quite sure how this relates, but what the hell. From www.stimilon.com

Full Throttle

6. Full Throttle; okay so I couldn't think of a drink to have for my favorite. And hey, cool pic! From www.picturethisgallery.com/.../robert_bailey.htm


y. Rain; more specifically, just before the rain falls. From fizyka.phys.put.poznan.pl


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