Words Post

Jul 13, 2009 20:21

Check it out, I'm posting! Altho I'm cheating, and doing a meme post. This is from the "5 words" meme, and the words were given to me by pyat quite a while ago. Still, better eventually than never...


Well, let's see. Looking around the room I am currently seated in I can count... 6 wolf items. Seven if you count a picture of me with my mask on (and several more if you're counting books). Basically wolves are my most favourite animal. During the brief period when I was looking into the whole therian scene, I would have said wolves are my spirit animal. At the moment, however, I will just say that I admire them. I like the pack mentality, and all the good stereotypes and such. One of the best birthday gifts I ever received was a trip with my mom to the Haliburton Wolf Centre, where we participated in a wolf howl (I got to howl! and the wolves howled back! So cool!), and then watch the wolves the next day for several hours. So, yes. I am a fan.


This is a bit more timely now, I suppose, since AC just recently passed. I had the chance to attend about... hmm... 4 years ago? I'm not entirely sure. But I quite enjoyed it when I went, and met several very cool people (including most of my lj friends list, now that I think about it). I am semi-considering going again next year, but I don't really know. For now it resides in happy memory land, and that's not too shabby.


This is a hard one! Let's take it in parts. First, video gaming. I came into the dark and dangerous world of video games relatively late in life, largely due to Jamie at Trent. I was strictly a PC gamer for quite a while, where I enjoyed RPGs like NWN and KOTOR, various Sims games, and the very occasional shooter (pretty much just Max Payne). Last year I ended up getting myself a PS2 so I could play Guitar Hero, which was soon followed by an XBox for more Guitar Hero and Rock Band, as well as Mass Effect. I consider myself a casual gamer at best, with a heavy emphasis on music/rhythm games.

And then there is table-top gaming, which I also came into late in life! Mostly due to the influence of Fweeh and her roomates (both former and current), I have had the pleasure to play in a couple campaigns so far. My characters seem to tend towards the "haughty bitch" realm, and to be honest I don't really know why that is. I will be starting up in two new campaigns this week, though, with two new characters. And I am hoping that at least one of them will have a somewhat friendly personality... occasionally... On the whole I like stories, and I like participating in them, so table-top gaming is a pretty awesome way to spend some time.


Hmm, not sure what to say here either. Writing, by which I mean fictional writing, is something that has pretty much always been a part of my life. I continue to nurture a tiny hope of becoming an "official" novelist, but we'll see what happens there. I like making up characters, and I love world-building so I pretty much dwell in the sci-fi/fantasy genres. There were a few months when this journal turned into basically a writing journal, but since then things have slowed down a bit for me. I've started taking writing classes again, though, and will be joining a more informal writing group with some of my fellow students, so I am hopeful that that will light a fire under my butt and I can get a little more proactive about actually putting pen to paper. Alternatively I'll just carry on with writing ridiculously detailed game updates.


What's with all the difficult words?! Lesse, dreams. I used to remember my dreams all the time, which I quite enjoyed because I always found them really interesting. A lot of them (or at least the ones I remembered, anyway) seemed to have decent narratives to them, and a few were turned into short story type things. I also took a Dream Psychology course at Trent, which was one of my absolute favourite courses. Dreams are very cool things, and I'm sad that I tend not to remember them anymore.

In terms of life dreams (i.e. goals), that's sort of in the air at the moment. I would like to become a professional writer. I would like to have a job that I don't dread going to. I would like to afford a condo and not have to rent anymore. *shrug* To be honest, though, I am generally pretty happy with my life. And that's certainly nothing to scoff at.

The End!

life, meme

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