Playing in the mud

Jun 26, 2006 16:03

Well it's actually been a while since I broke down and did an at-work lj post. But I've gone and emptied the queue, and there's nothing to scan, so here we are.

As most people are now aware, I am currently head writer for a MUD called Shards of Enigma (for the record, I had nothing to do with the name). It's been a lot of fun so far, developing races and planets and cities and such. At the moment I'm working on the main human cities, which are on Earth (shocking but true). Eventually, once all the races are set, I think I'll be helping develop quests and such. It's a silly little project (well, people seem to be taking it pretty seriously, purchasing a domain name and everything), but it's giving me some writing exercise and an ego-boost every time they say they love what I've done. So it's nice to have a project. Side-note: if anyone's interested, they're still looking for artists and writers.

And the reason that most of you know this already, is because I saw AC people on Friday! yay! It was really awesome to see everyone, however briefly. I always feel uber-inspired when hanging out with you folks. Creative energy and all that. Good stuff. Hope everyone's safe back in the States (boo), and that I get to see you again soon.

Other things keeping me busy: work and City of Villains. CoV is more or less my weekend activity. I got up to level 15 yesterday, and re-learned why playing pvp sucks. But the rest of it is entertaining. Soon I'll get to level 20 and my character will have a cape! Ooooooh.

Well that's pretty much everything. Less than an hour to go with work. Hugs and howls to all.

mud, writing, life

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