Holy sugar, batman

May 15, 2006 11:28

So clearly me having access to the internet while at work is not a good thing. Well. It's a good thing for me, especially since I have nothing to do right now (I learned how to do the last thing in the Rush queue that I didn't know, but apparently one of my tower's was unplugged so I still can't get access to the system I need to do that thing. Arg.) Probably not so much a good thing for the people who are paying me to at least look like I'm working. But hey. I'm sitting at a computer, I'm typing. It could be work related. Whatever.

Managed to get myself a couple new games over the weekend, which is awesome. Bought City of Villains on Saturday, but the first bloody disk was scratched so it didn't work (soooo annoying). Conned my mom into driving me back to Future Shop yesterday, so got one that worked. Jamie tagged along and got Oblivion for himself, which I will also be playing. As of now I am a level 4 magic/stalker chick on CoV, and a just-out-of-the-tutorial wood elf/bard on Oblivion. A very productive Sunday, indeed.

Today is the first year anniversary of the BSC, which is the place where silly people are giving me money to sit around and update lj. So we had a little meeting, everyone got free movie passes (yay!), cupcakes (uber-sugar icing), and disgusting sparkling grape juice stuff (ew). We also get a free lunch at noon, which is what I'm counting down to right now.

And that's about it right now. pyat and velvetpage I doubt you're looking at this, but I'm thinking happy thoughts for both of you. Also happy thoughts for avain. No happy thoughts for suppishld because you bug me :P

Hugs and howls to all.

work, life

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