pirates and parties

Nov 04, 2004 21:32

i propose that the saturday following this upcoming sunday we hold a pirate party

all forms of pirate allowed

for example :

the traditional Swashbucklin' Pirate
Famous Quote "ARR"

comes in assorted flavors :
pirate - "a robber who travels by sea and who preys upon ships and ports of all nations...whose morality...non-existent...lives...short."
buccaneer - "a fighting man who sailed to his fights aboard a ship--sort of a pirate version of a Marine!"
privateer - "a sort of private navy, a mercenary who hires himself out to one country or another"
corsair - "pirates of the Mediterranean. They sailed galleys--craft that had oars as well as sails. "
freebooter - "seagoing adventurer who is out for free booty"

the alternative Butt Pirate
Famous Quote "Arr, i hope ye' be usin' lube back there, matey"

available in several savory varieties:
SnM enthusiast
Man hating dominatrix with strap on (famously quoted in response to the above quote, "that's master you sniveling bitch!")
Dress 'metro' and say lots of stereotypical "gay" things like "oh that's so cute" and "yeah, i got it at pier 1"

note : pier one imports did not pay me for that last plug, they should...motherfuckers
don't go buy anything from them in protest!

the nerdy Software Pirate
Famous Quote "Are we really still using EIDE hard dives?"

you know and love em, they hang out in c-8 at lunch playing counterstrike with h4x and keygens
the nerdier ones play UT on the macs while programming in pascal on their linux notebook

go here, they deserve the web traffic...they did real research http://www.piratehunter.info/pirateweb3.htm
they gave me all the info about swashbuckling pirates
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