Jan 07, 2005 16:24
Thought I'd update this for once, its been a while.. happy new years heh heh. new years was fun.. still got stuff at larrys house to drink.. maybe this weekend i dunno. i gotta go to work in like 10 minutes.. work til 10.. woo hoo. im hopin they let me go early cuz i wanna go see white noise tonight and i wanna go earlier than 11.. goodness.. larry works til 9, and i could probably get him to get tickets or whatever but i wont talk to him until i get off work later..
I got new "cellie" yay! i love it.. but i gotta new number.. its all good though, the people who matter got the number. when i wanted the phone before it was a buy one get one free thing, but when i got it the other day it wasnt.. so.. larry didnt get one =( i wish he would have cuz then i could talk to him for free and hes probably the number one person i talk to on the phone. It hasnt snowed yet, and its pissing me off. its winter.. and no snow =( i love the snow.. gettin off skool and goin outside and havin snowballs fights.. so many people are sayin they dont want it to snow.. i dont get why.. whats so bad bout not havin skool and playin outside like ur 5 again? n-o-t-h-i-n-g.. silly people. anyway.. i gotta go finish gettin ready so i wont be late...