Title: Learning Curves (1/?)
Rating: T, but definitely going in the direction of M
Summary: Brennan has always insisted that she had a steep learning curve -- but does that apply to dating Booth? Spoilers for Season 6 and much speculation as well.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Bones. I wish I did, but I don’t. It belongs to Hart Hanson, FOX, and various affiliations.
Author’s Notes: This is an immediate follow up to
A Love Warm and Bright. I’d suggest you read that one first before diving into this, just so you have a pretty good idea of the timeline. Also, I’ve never planned such a long multi-chapter fic before, in between work and my real life writing projects, so apologies in advance for possible delays in posting. Having said that, I’ll attempt to post at least once a week. :)
"Well, would Miss Best-In-Her-Field want to go out on a date with me tonight?"