Jun 26, 2011 19:47
I live in an apartment in Mt Pleasant for the summer and am loving it. I just got done with my first summer class which was CHM 211 quantitative analysis. 4 weeks of lecture was on campus and then for the last two weeks we went to the CMU Biological Station on Beaver Island for the lab portion. It was really stressful, about 12 hours a day spent in lab doing work. The weekend was fun though, got drunk both nights. Friday was spent around a campfire talking and singing. Saturday we all went to a bar in town called The Beachcomber. It was kind of boring and I only got one drink because it was so expensive! When we got back to the station, i started drinking beer and got pretty drunk. Played waterfall and then euchre and before I knew it it was 4 a.m. There were only four of us that stayed up that late, 2 nice girls and a cute guy. We played a lot of euchre and I even smoked a few cigarettes which I haven't done in awhile. But you know, when you're drunk they are just so good. Especially when sharing them with cute guy. Overall it was a fine time but I was definitely very excited to come home! My two online classes started, Developmental Psychology and Intro to Human Sexuality. Tomorrow I have an audit to see what classes I have left to take and if I can graduate on time. I am also starting research. I am looking forward to my family reunion at the end of July for a week in the UP!