Well it has been a long time since I last wrote. A lot has happened including me moving to Florida. I moved to Florida in May to live with my friends son and his girlfriend. I won't say it was a "mistake" but more of a learning experience. The first month was great then like any honeymoon period it just got progressively worse. He became addicted to coke and she became pregnant. Not a good combination.
Living with a coke head was an interesting experience to say the least. I could sleep anytime during the day I wanted uninterrupted, but if I wanted to sleep at night forget it. Every night the same thing would happen a fight and slamming doors and the tv on until all hours of the night. Eventually, I had to move out and I moved in with two guys in their 40's. They are both rockers and very cool and laid back. We get a long great we have a cool cat named Brandon or B RAN depending on his mood. I was never a cat person until I met this cat he is more like a dog than a cat. See above picture. Awesome cat.
I have a boyfriend now he is 43 and a psychologist. I love him a lot and I have finally found that happiness that I have been searching for, for so long. I work as a computer programmer now. Not a path I would have necessarily chosen for myself, but alas it is what I am doing. I miss travel a lot, but I have Palm trees now in January!