Buffy's and Angel's love for each other is destined. DESTINED. Angel has loved Buffy with the purest love imaginable since the moment he laid his eyes on her. In this moment, while the 15-year old Buffy was sucking on a lollipop and talking about the lipstick she might have nicked, Angel saw right into her heart with his metaphorical X-ray gaze. This wasn't at all creepy, and it had nothing to do with the fact that Buffy looked a bit like Angel's ex/sire, and it definitely wasn't because Angel at the time had nothing to do with his life and Whistler nudged him towards Buffy. Though, even if he did, it was because Angel and Buffy are MEANT TO BE
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But the best part of the Bangel romance is, of course, the amazing love story that was season 8! <3
It's season 8 that removed every doubt in my heart they are the destined true love (they are both destined and star-crossed at the same time... So, fate is trying to put them together and to drive them apart. It's strange). I was deeply moved by Angel's heroism in season 8, he just did what was good for Buffy and the world (it's not his fault that he knows best), and by Buffy's heartfelt declarations of love, which didn't at all sound fake or hollow or completely nutty. Their sex in space was epic and sexy and beautiful and super-romantic, I never found any of those panels silly. There was no dubcon there, it was obviously all a result of Bangel's overwhelming passion, and it wasn't at all creepy, what with Angel having killed over 200 Slayers and tormented Buffy for a year (but it was all for a good cause). Then, unfortunately, Angel somehow got possessed, which was not his fault at all, and his body killed Giles... But I'm sure that
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I do not know what I can possibly say say to this except a big frakking word and thank you for expressing all of my feelings. Particularly vehemently agreed with:
In this moment, while the 15-year old Buffy was sucking on a lollipop and talking about the lipstick she might have nicked, Angel saw right into her heart with his metaphorical X-ray gaze.
This is particularly evidenced by all those times when they were there for each other during those years, and the way they always confided in each other and took part in each other's lives even when they couldn't be lovers. This is what pure, true love is like.
See, his subconsciousness has its own subconsciousness, so it makes perfect sense that his fantasy of being perfectly happy would include banging one woman while thinking of another.
But the best part of the Bangel romance is, of course, the amazing love story that was season 8! <3
they are both destined and star-crossed at the same time... So, fate is trying to put them together and to drive them apart.I WEEP. You could not
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Indeed, Buffy season 9 comics are so great that they are without a doubt in my all-time the top 10 Dark Horse comics I've ever read (which has nothing to do with the fact that I haven't actually read 10 Dark Horse comics series), and would without a doubt find its place in my top 10 favorite Buffy the Vampire Slayer seasons, as well as top 15 Buffyverse seasons
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But as great as the Buffy title is, Angel & Faith is even greater. What can I say that hasn't been already said about it? It has an amazing, roller-coaster ride of a plot: we went from "Angel feels guilty and wants to resurrect Giles, Faith is his loyal Girl Friday but isn't sure how she feels about it, Nadira wants revenge on Angel, Whistler has some plans with Angel" in issue 1, to " "Angel feels guilty and wants to resurrect Giles, Faith is his loyal Girl Friday but isn't sure how she feels about it, Nadira wants revenge on Angel, Whistler has some plans with Angel" in issue 13. The parade of various guest star characters didn't at all feel like attempts to boost sales without having those characters do anything of importance, and the characterizations of Drusilla, Willow and Harmony were spot-on. Best of all is the way he deals with the aftermath of season 8, which is really appropriate and well thought out. His Angel is so much better written than on the TV show - unlike the TV show writers, Gage understands that Angel is, indeed
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Buffy Summers is without a doubt one of the worst, most annoying protagonists ever seen on TV. She's a whiny, self-obsessed bitch who only got worse with each season. When I saw her in the pilot, I was hoping she would be a really cool chick who can kick ass in high heels and be really hot and fun all the time, but instead, what we got is someone who just keeps whining and whining - boo hoo, boo hoo, I can't live a normal life, boo hoo I'm gonna die at 16, boo hoo I have to kill my boyfriend, boo hoo I have to kill my sister and I'm gonna die. BO-RING. Why couldn't she have just enjoyed her superpowers, and do what she's told (especially when she had a council of such wise men to tell her what to do), like all the really cool strong female characters
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I had to keep reminding myself "This is sarcasm, this is sarcasm..." because you write it SO well - and then I remember that there are fans who would actually agree with every word of this. *le sigh*
Indeed - almost everything I wrote there about Buffy and Bangel were the things I've seen fans say. I wonder if I could fool someone into thinking I'm serious if I posted it somewhere... :D
Hell, at a couple of points you almost fooled me - have you read articles or meta where someone spins out a lot of parody/sarcasm and then breaks the tone with a written or unwritten "But seriously, folks...". And I should have known better, but it was an immediate irrational reaction before the logical part of my brain kicked back in.
I just read a comment in a thread in another site, analyzying S5, that turned into "I hate Buffy so much for the way she treated Spike I want to smash her face in." Ugh. The amount of hate in fandom is utterly poisonous. But I'm sure you could post this elsewhere and have it taken entirely at face value because all of your observations are completely spot-on.
Comments 12
Buffy/Angel have a pure, epic, undying soulmates forever love. Discuss.
But the best part of the Bangel romance is, of course, the amazing love story that was season 8! <3
It's season 8 that removed every doubt in my heart they are the destined true love (they are both destined and star-crossed at the same time... So, fate is trying to put them together and to drive them apart. It's strange). I was deeply moved by Angel's heroism in season 8, he just did what was good for Buffy and the world (it's not his fault that he knows best), and by Buffy's heartfelt declarations of love, which didn't at all sound fake or hollow or completely nutty. Their sex in space was epic and sexy and beautiful and super-romantic, I never found any of those panels silly. There was no dubcon there, it was obviously all a result of Bangel's overwhelming passion, and it wasn't at all creepy, what with Angel having killed over 200 Slayers and tormented Buffy for a year (but it was all for a good cause). Then, unfortunately, Angel somehow got possessed, which was not his fault at all, and his body killed Giles... But I'm sure that ( ... )
In this moment, while the 15-year old Buffy was sucking on a lollipop and talking about the lipstick she might have nicked, Angel saw right into her heart with his metaphorical X-ray gaze.
This is particularly evidenced by all those times when they were there for each other during those years, and the way they always confided in each other and took part in each other's lives even when they couldn't be lovers. This is what pure, true love is like.
See, his subconsciousness has its own subconsciousness, so it makes perfect sense that his fantasy of being perfectly happy would include banging one woman while thinking of another.
But the best part of the Bangel romance is, of course, the amazing love story that was season 8! <3
they are both destined and star-crossed at the same time... So, fate is trying to put them together and to drive them apart.I WEEP. You could not ( ... )
I just read a comment in a thread in another site, analyzying S5, that turned into "I hate Buffy so much for the way she treated Spike I want to smash her face in." Ugh. The amount of hate in fandom is utterly poisonous. But I'm sure you could post this elsewhere and have it taken entirely at face value because all of your observations are completely spot-on.
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