This recent post by
shadowkat about shipping Spuffy and gender reversals in the relationship linked on Buffyforums by
moscow_watcher got me to write a short reply about my views, which are a bit different from hers. I can't do that on her LJ because she flipped out on me with absolutely no reason and attacked me on her LJ about a
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I've found this to be true for most of the Spuffy shippers with whom I've interacted. In fact, a lot of people seem to be more fans of Spike than fans of Spuffy, and they seem to ship Spuffy solely because Spike loves Buffy. But there do seem to be a few who identify more with Buffy, including me. However, I do like both characters, and I ship them because I see the incredible potential of their relationship.
What does it mean?
That's exactly how I feel. I see a lot of myself in Buffy, but I find Spike more intriguing because he's a lot of the things that I'm not.
Buffy's love life (outside of Spike) is not that interesting to me
Maybe that's because her love life outside of Spike was boring at best. :-P To me, neither Angel, nor Riley feels like a deep, emotional, adult connection. I'm not inclined to see where the relationships go because they appear to be going nowhere.
That could be part of it, yeah. :D
You should hang out in my circles. Profanity and sarcasm are practically prerequisites. :-P
Considering how profanity and sarcasm are fun times for the Spuffy + feminism corner of Buffy fandom (if not a prerequisite!), I'm afraid that makes no sense.
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