Some fandom interpretations that I find really hard to buy

Jan 03, 2011 17:18

Art, including fiction, is open for interpretation. This is true when it comes to the quality of certain artistic works, and it's certainly true when it comes to the opinions on the ethics of certain decisions or characters within the story. In that case, reading/listening to different opinions on the matter is very interesting and enriching. But ( Read more... )

buffy the vampire slayer, angel

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Comments 7

2maggie2 January 3 2011, 21:25:58 UTC
I really like this post. It explains why #33 was so jarring to many of us. I know you like to blame the glow, and surely that had something to do with it. But the Bangels aren't wrong when they crow about having been validated -- not when you take into account the oceans of statements by the folks involved in season 8 who present Buffy and Angel as the romantic couple whose reunion we've all been waiting for. Joss isn't one of them, it's worth noting. On the contrary, Joss has called them a kiddie romance and as people who are immature (it's even there in the text); and he's made a joke of how America "needs" a whole issue devoted to B/A sex. But Meltzer sold it as straight-up love as did Jeanty. Allie clearly thinks Buffy and Angel are in love ( ... )


ever_neutral January 4 2011, 03:32:08 UTC
Completely agree. Especially with #1. So, so much. I'm not wild about C/A (I like them a LOT more in theory than what we actually got), but the idea from some subsets of fandom that Angel never really loved Cordelia because she wasn't Buffy, ENRAGES me.

Bah. Nothing on God's earth will encourage me to hang out in Bangel fandom.


bluemage55 January 4 2011, 03:49:56 UTC
It's not my intention to bash a portion of the fandom. But really, in both these cases, I really think that, to buy these ideas, you need to watch the shows with very firm blinders on, trying very hard to believe that Buffy and Angel are in love with each other forever and with nobody else, and ignoring common sense.Well said ( ... )


dihcar January 4 2011, 13:02:21 UTC
I agree on both accounts, frankly i'm not happy with how they treated any of the characters ( ... )


misskittydu34 January 5 2011, 01:06:11 UTC
Well said ! I agree with you on almost each point (almost, because as a Cangel shipper, I tend to disagree a little with some of your sentences :) ).

Word to all #2 ! Especially this : You most certainly don't give them some vague speech about how you might possibly be together some day in an indefinite future, and send them away so you could be with someone else. In fact, the last bit seems very much like what we call letting someone down gently.

It seems to be something like this.

He wanted her to have a 'normal life' [though I don't know how he thought she could have that anyway - hello, she's a Slayer...].

Like I was saying on my other post, yep, I never get why he wanted her to have a normal life, while she's the Slayer. Some time ago, I find this review of Lies my parents told me, and there's a part I find pretty interesting about Buffy & Spike :

"Riley and Angel both loved a fantasy girl they constructed around Buffy. Angel constructed a "normal girl" who could have a normal life if only he ran away. Riley constructed a ( ... )


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