Tiresias' Curse - Chapter 1

Nov 21, 2005 01:54

Hi, this is a fic I've written because someone wanted a gender-swapping fic, and I loved the idea! Plus, I'm a bit down at this point and writing always makes me feel better. Chapter Two should take a week at the most. Oh, and hands up who wants x-rated slash later on.

Title - Tiresias' Curse
Author - chaostheory

Chapter One

One would have thought that lessons would have been learned from the last time, but when had Booster Gold ever paid attention to that niggling voice of reason. After the incident where he had sent all of the Justice Leaguers to hell, one would have thought that he would not go snooping around Dr Fates room again, but the door had been ajar, and there were so many cool shiny forbidden objects in there. Forbidden object were just screaming out to be played with.

So there he was, once again, looking around a room full of precious artefacts that must have been as old as the universe. At the minute he was just looking, he had made the mistake of touching before, and he was not that did, but pretty close. This time, thought, the Blue Beetle found him.

“What are you doing in here?” Ted asked, accusation dripping from his voice. His hands were on his hips and he was stood in the door. Booster instantly faced him, looking as guilty as anything.

“Just looking.” The gold and blue man said as casually as he could.

“Remember what happened the last time you decided to look.” Ted threw at him, rubbing his cowl-enclosed head. He knew his best friend and that’s was the reason for the cold chill running down his spine.

“I’m not stupid enough to do it again.” He shouted back, turning his back. “I just want a look around, he won’t mind.” That earned his a sceptical look.

“Get out of here now, before you tear the cosmos apart, or summon a demon or mess up the carpet.” Ted demanded.

“Stop pretending to be so mature and admit that you’re a bit curious as well.” Booster said slyly, running a finger along something that looked like a femur, only twice the size of a humans.

“Don’t touch anything!” Ted yelled. Booster just looked at him. “I’m not curious, at all. Well, just a little, but I’m not going to go looking as his cosmic junk. Hey, that looks pretty cool though.” He stepped into the room towards a shelf on the other side of the room from Booster. It was a statue of what looked like a staff with two serpents entwined around it in a knot. As he stared at it, Booster came to look over his shoulder.

“Those snakes look like they’re doing it.” He said, smothering a chuckle. Ted wanted to be serious, but he could not hold the smile back.

“How do snakes do it?” He asked, looking at Booster, who shrugged.

“Who knows? I wonder if they are really having sex.” The blond said, reaching out for it.

“Don’t!” Ted yelled, reaching out a hand to grab a hold of Booster hand, but grabbing it at the same time as the other. As both touched it, a white light shot out of the statue, hitting both of them and sending the world black.

End of chapter 1

character: blue beetle - ted kord, creator: chaostheory, fanfic, character: booster gold, rating: pg

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