Fic: Not Exactly a Replacement Ted. Booster/Skeets.

Aug 04, 2008 00:09

Title: Not Exactly a Replacement Ted
Author: shananagin
Claim: supporting characters
Characters/Pairing: Skeets/Booster
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 173
Prompt: 36. Control over electronics
Summary: Skeets has an idea. Booster doesn't get it.
Author's Notes: For axolotl_lan. This is part of a bunch of drabbles I've been writing, but most of them I didn't crosspost much. This was too cracky not to, though.

"You know, sir, I vibrate," Skeets said.

"What's your point?" Booster asked.

"Well, I'm no Ted Kord, but I do some add-ons that you might find interesting."

"Still not getting it, Skeets."

Skeets did not roll his eyes because he did not have any. But he would have like to.

"I am trying to tell you, sir, that I may be able to help...relieve you of some of the pain you've been feeling since Ted's second demise."

"You can make pain killers?" Booster asked.

"Have I ever told you the exact nature of Max Lord and L-Ron's relationship?"

"Don't talk about Max," Booster said darkly.

"Micheal, you seem to be completely failing to grasp the point," Skeets said, nuzzling Booster's neck gently.

Booster thought about it for a minute, then he looked at Skeets and brightened. "Oh, I get it!"

"Finally, sir!" Skeets said.

"You want to look at my old photo albums with me! Relive the old days!"

Skeets again wished for eyes to roll. Or lungs to sigh with. "Indeed, sir."


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