Comics with Beetle and/or Booster in, free to good home

Nov 10, 2007 01:57

These comics need a good home, and I figured that this would be just the place for them to find one.

Justice League Quarterly - An 80 page JLI quarterly comic

Issue 3 - The JLI get both time-travelled and shrunk. Why? Who knows! Honey, I shrank the Justice League. Much randomly hanging upside down Beetle. Features Power Girl's cantakerous cat.

Issue 13 - Maxima has insane violent alien courting rituals with Captain Atom, who kind of digs it. Features a gorgeous Michael Lisner cover that looks *nothing* like Maxima. Also, Power Girl vs. an evil clown and a giant lobster! Fun times.

Justice League America - The 90's version with Beetle, Booster, Bea, Tora, Guy etc. JLI only in A.

Issue 48 - Justice League America vs. Das Uberbot! (No, really, it says that on the cover). Hilariously geriatric Nazis hiding in South America decide to build an evil giant robot. Features these priceless bits of dialogue:

Sue: ...Giant Nazi Robots? Oh brother.


Sue: Catherine? We've got a situation.
Catherine: Don't tell me: it's another giant killer robot.

Justice League Spectacular - 48 pages of crack that I think might be the origin of Justice League Europe. Features the JLI team.

Issue 1 (may be the only issue, unsure) - Ralph and Sue are at the DCU equivalent of Disney world with some snooty European diplomats when it is invaded by supervillains. And, somehow, this was Max's brilliant plan all along? Only now he's not sure it was so very brilliant. Oh, Max. Superman gets beaten up far too easily (must have been an off day), Booster rescues the Blue Beetle from watching too much Brady Bunch, and Bea and Tora go spelunking.

All are free* to a good home, first come, first served. Take as many as you want.

*If you don't live in the USA, you'd better pay shipping, but otherwise, free.
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