
May 02, 2006 21:02

  1. the best thing in the world to do is for everyone to be truly themselves
  2. the most important thing in the world to do is to affirm - i am who i am - i am ok - i am competent to fulfill my role in universe - i trust completely in the competence of others to fulfill their role in universe - which is what allows me to participate and reciprocate - mutual fulfillment
  3. the most intelligent thing in the world to do is to appreciate the buffer - created by this mutual fulfillment - at all times there is someone working, playing, reflecting, contemplating, activating, communicating, being still, sleeping, waking, working - to fulfill another cycle of inspirational improvisational improvement - another day
  4. the most spiritual thing in the world to do is be intuitive - extra sensory perception reception realizing recognizing utilizing reverence as an application to divine the Truth - to which there is no religion higher
  5. the most natural thing in the world to do is to respect and embrace the forms and ways - in which this Truth manifests Itself - bes Itself - affirms Itself - fulfills Itself - Divines Itself + Disciplines Itself toward enhancing the high of this eternally regenerative uni-verse-all performance *

i move - freely - organically - rhythmically
thru each day and night

there is nothing - preconceived - predetermined
predictable - probable - typical

in these motions...

i am moved - freely - organically - rhythmically
by eternal tides times and tempos

guided and grounded
by this anima grande

where we came from - where we're going - i'm going to be happy i came - im coming to understand being - in love with the ultra-X-static otherness that magnetically seeks another source signal somewhere in the space between the time it takes to find and ALIGN...

check-out external link: http://neu-ark.net/
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