Buffyverse/Seven Days crossover drabbles

Jan 11, 2009 18:47

Title: Executive Non-Orders
Rating: G
Setting: About six days after the end of Buffy season 7.
Characters: Frank Parker, Donovan.
Word count: 100 exactly.
Disclaimer: Buffy and co belong to Joss Whedon. Seven Days belongs to UPN, I think. Either one has nothing to do with me.
Summary: Looks like the expected mission isn’t a go.

Author's Notes: Special thanks to Laney for help, support and beta reading.

~ + ~

You’re about to be let in on the most highly classified data America holds…

We have a device that can allow us to send one human being back in time….

Seven Days…

Frank Parker looked up in disbelief at Donovan.

“Doesn’t the President understand the time limit? We’ve only got six hours left before it’s impossible to stop an entire US city from collapsing into a great big hole in the ground!!”

Donovan looked sadly at Frank. “And yet, Frank… not only has he refused to let the mission go, but he’s issued strict orders forbidding the saving of Sunnydale.”


Title: Plan B
Rating: G
Setting: Post “Chosen” for the Buffyverse.
Characters: Frank Parker, Donovan.
Word count: 100 precisely
Disclaimer: They ain't mine. Buffy and the gang belong to Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy. Seven Days is all someone else’s as well.
Summary: Government controlled Time Travel can prove to be particularly useful occasionally. Even if the President is the only one who knows why.

~ + ~

Frank Parker strolled into the mission centre and sat down casually, in no particular hurry.

“Well?” said Donovan impatiently, “What’s the new problem, Frank?”

Frank shrugged. “It’s the easiest one yet,” he said, “You just have to ring the President and tell him that the Scoobies should go with plan B.”

Donovan blinked. “Scoobies? The President? Plan B?”

“I know….” shrugged Frank, “But when the President authorises that much expense and has three of the Joint Chiefs looking worried with him, we jump.”

Cleveland, two hours later. During a heated argument, the phone rang.

And eventually, the world didn’t end.


x-posted - twisting the hellmouth, awards/nominated, drabble, fandom - misc

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