Other Surnames That Dawn Never Had, 6-10

Feb 20, 2007 10:47

Title: Other Surnames That Dawn Never Had
Rating: G
Setting: Whenever, wherever.
Characters: Dawn
Word count: 100 each.
Disclaimer: Buffy and the gang belong to Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy. The Stargate people belong to Gekko Productions, Double Secret Productions, MGM/UA, Showtime/Viacom. I don't own them or any of the following either : Star Trek, James Bond, Stephanie Plum and Harry Potter.
Summary: Those wacky monks came pretty close to putting Dawn in some other family. Just imagine if she'd been an Kirk, Moneypenny, O'Neill, Plum or a Weasley... [Originally a 10 things drabble challenge, but expanded]

6: Dawn Kirk

Ensign Dawn Cleopatra Kirk stomped angrily along Deck 12 of the Enterprise. Her big brother was a complete hypocrite!

Oh sure, James Tiberius Kirk was allowed to make out with every female passenger or visitor that came near the ship, but let his little sister end up in one little compromising position with one diplomat, and he went all over protective and assigned her to clerical duties. Gah!

Just ahead of her, the turbolift doors opened and Chekov, the new helmsmen stepped out. A brief smirk passed across Dawn’s face. Jimbo hadn’t said anything about fellow crew members, had he?

7: Dawn Moneypenny

James Bond strolled nonchalantly into the MI6 building, though he still had a headache from that last explosion in Greenland. Time for a little recreational flirting with…


The young brown haired girl looked up at him from behind the desk, and rolled her eyes. “Really, James,” she said, tapping her ID badge with ‘Moneypenny’ clearly displayed on it, “I would hope that your advancing age isn’t affecting your memory already?”

“Um… that’s…. I have to see M now” he stammered, and fled straight into M’s office without knocking. Thus completely missing Dawn Moneypenny’s high five with her giggling sister.

8 : Dawn O'Neill

“So...” said Carter skeptically, “You just forgot to mention that your ex-wife was also raising your daughter for these last few years?”

Jack O’Neill put on his best innocent expression, only spoiled by the knowledge that Carter could read him like a book. “Hey, she’s here for good now, and I happen to like that. It just means we’ll have to be extra careful not to mention anything about the Stargate program around Dawn.”

Dawn O’Neill stuck her head round the kitchen door. “Dad?” she enquired. “There’s a little grey alien in the living room called Thor asking for you….”

9 : Dawn Plum

I glared across the table at my little sister. It had been bad enough when Valerie had moved back into my parent’s house, but how dare Dawn just sit there and ask me questions like that over dinner? In front of the whole family?

“No, Dawn,” I said through gritted teeth, “I am not having sex with Ranger and Morelli at the same time!”

Grandma Mazur chimed in, “Well, I sure wouldn’t blame ya. That Ranger is one hot piece of...”

Fortunately, her precise choice of word was drowned out by the sound of my car blowing up out front.

10 : Dawn Weasley

“What?” Dawn Weasley said, staring across the crowded kitchen at all the accusing looks from everyone present, “So I was thinking about dying my hair brown? So what?”

Ginny slammed her hands down on the table, “And what? You just want to be different from me? Your own twin?!?!”

“Hell, yeah!” Dawn snapped back. “Maybe that’ll stop Draco Malfoy from mixing us up and trying to sleep with me as well!”

As the assembled Weasley wrath suddenly found a new target, the now ignored Dawn grinned broadly and settled back. Try to keep secrets from her own twin, would she?

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x-posted - twisting the hellmouth, characters - jack o'neill (sg1), drabble, characters - dawn (btvs), fandom - harry potter, pairings - draco/ginny, fandom - stephanie plum, fandom - buffyverse, characters - stephanie plum, other surnames, fandom - stargate sg-1

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