The Great Torchwood Balloon Poll - Round Two

Feb 12, 2007 11:53

Round One : Owen Harper

"You guys suck," said Owen bitterly.

Ianto looked away. Jack just looked grim. Suzie and Gwen both smirked.

"I mean... what the hell is this?! You'd rather keep the bloody Weevil on board than me?!?! What the fuck is wrong with you people?!?!"

"Well, the personality is slightly better, doesn't talk so much..." piped up Gwen.

"Completely up front with what he wants," added Suzie. "You know exactly where you stand with a weevil."

"Oh fuck this!" Owen exclaimed, rolling his eyes. "If I'm off next, then I ain't sticking around for this touchy-feely crap."

The balloon rocked for a moment, and then was steady again. There was a short, slightly embarassed silence, broken only by the confused snuffling from the Weevil.

Poll The Great Torchwood Balloon poll, round two

Remember - vote for who you want thrown OUT of the balloon. Round Two will start in two days. Vote early, vote often and try to bribe/blackmail your friends. :P

fandom - torchwood, characters - jack harkness (dw), balloon poll

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