Very Good Friends Come Up With Alibi's, drabbles 14 to 16

Nov 27, 2006 10:50

Title: Very Good Friends Come Up With Alibi's, drabbles 14 to 16
Rating: PG-13
Setting: Season One of Veronica Mars.
Word count: 100 each
Disclaimer: Buffy and the gang belong to Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy. Veronica Mars goes to Rob Thomas.
Summary: If there was anyone that could get Lily out of this mess, it was Veronica.

Author's Notes: Still plotting revenge on Marcus here.

It all starts here.

“It’s an old, old story,” says the English guy now sitting at their table, “Girl meets boy, boy turns out to be a vampire, girl slays vampire by sticking a stake though his heart.” The tweed jacket seems to clash with the whole mall atmosphere, but works for him.

Lily and Veronica share a glance at the word ‘vampire’. “If you don’t mind, this was supposed to be a private conversation…. about books. Anne Rice.” Veronica tries.

He ignores her and keeps looking at Lily. “I already heard you mention the strength. Have you told her about the dreams yet?”

Lily regards him with due care and attention. She likes older men, always has. But this guy… he looks almost dangerous, concealed under a veil of respectability and tweed jackets. Plus, glasses on him just give him that little extra wow factor.

Almost automatically, she licks her lips and sits up straighter, thrusting her chest out that little bit more. Aaron taught her that trick…

And on a completely less shallow note, he does seem to know something about what’s going on with her.

“No, I haven’t told Veronica about the dreams,” she says, deciding to trust him for now.

So, he walks them through the whole thing. Vampires, creatures of darkness, things that go ARRRGH in the night. In every generation there is one girl chosen to stand against all these things and keep the world turning. Gifted with strength, speed and weird ass dreams.

“They optional?” asks Lily hopefully.

Tweedie looks sympathetic, but moves on to explaining what he’s doing there. Basically, there are these Watcher guys who try to help and train The Slayer. In short, try to keep her alive longer.

“I’ll be your Watcher if you’ll have me,” he says. “My name is Ethan Rayne.”

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x-posted - twisting the hellmouth, fandom - buffyverse, characters - veronica mars (v mars), fandom - veronica mars, drabble

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