Upon The Uses Of Unkillability - Torchwood drabble

Nov 06, 2006 22:04

Title: Upon The Uses Of Unkillability
Rating: 15
Setting: Torchwood episode 4: “Cyberwoman”. Minor spoilers.
Word count: 100
Disclaimer: Captain Jack and Torchwood are all owned by RTD and the BBC.
Summary: Occasionally this curse of Jack’s turned out helpful.

Author's Notes: Written for empressvesica.

He can’t die.

Sometimes this comes in handy.

As the Cyberwoman’s arm reaches out, there’s a moment when he could dodge, or duck, or avoid it. But someone’s got to distract her, keep her away from Gwen. Might as well be someone who’ll probably survive it.

Probably. There’s the rub, isn’t it?

He’s died so many times now that normal existing just doesn’t do it for him. Why the carefree cocksure swagger has gone. Why dance on the razor’s edge when falling off has no repercussions?

The arm grasps him and the killing electricity flows.

This is when he lives.


fandom - torchwood, characters - jack harkness (dw), drabble

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