Nov 04, 2015 22:34
Well, my faith has been restored (minutely) in the voting process.
If you've kept up with Michigan news at all, you'll know that Cindy Gamrat and Todd Courser were voted out of the Capitol by fellow politicians for their affair and, in my opinion illegal, coverup. It was messy and all too-familiar when it comes to watching our government officials entangle themselves in their own power trips. Pure stupidity. Once ousted, the disgraced congressman and congresswoman cried "Foul!" Courser claims he was extorted, and Gamrat claimed that her removal by her 91 fellow politicians was "unfair." She challenged them to put her reinstatement to a vote so all her "faithful" constituents could have their say. She was certain they'd put her back in office.
Well, there's a big problem with being so self-absorbed and entitled. She was so focused on her own wants and needs, she failed to pay attention to what her constituents really wanted which was someone who's honest, apparently. Imagine the shock and disappointment when she learned her constituents abandoned her. No one wanted her back. Courser's constituents said the same. "Go away. We don't want you any more."
I felt it was wrong to allow these two to run immediately after being expelled for their appalling behavior. Our government should have some kind of waiting period on these situations, otherwise those expelled don't feel the sting of the punishment...they just get back what they had. I'm thankful my fellow voters stood up and said, "Your behavior wasn't OK. We've moved on. Have a nice life." It's a refreshing change after being asked to vote on issues, only to have the special interests groups bully their way to the Supreme Court and make donkey's asses of themselves until they get their way. It's like a bunch of bratty, spoiled children. If this is how it's going to work, why on earth are citizens in that state asked to vote at all? It's a slap in the face. I think the will of the people should be enforced, not the will of the Supreme Court and activist judges. That is not how it was set up, and it's extremely aggravating.
Oh, and did I mention they're both Republicans? I might be Republican, but I'm not blind. I've been saying it all along....*both* parties are corrupt, so when I rail against Democrats for their crap, rest assured I'm going to call out the GOP when they do it, too. It's so ridiculous, I can't even express the depth of my disgust. I personally feel every single one of them needs to be ousted, stripped of their extravagant retirement pensions, as well as their life-long medical insurance; they should be made to go to a real job like us regular joes. What an education they'd get then! A much-needed education in reality. For sure, 'cause they'd don't live in reality now.
In other "news", I am feeling a bit better after going to my chiropractor this morning, but my back still isn't right. I'm sore and stiff, as expected, but I'm still getting the sharp pains, especially in my lumbar region, where my back and hips meet. I go back Friday for a recheck, and I won't be surprised if an x-ray is needed. I've been concerned that I might have slipped a disc again. Sure hope not, but it's something to ask about when I see him again.
With my back being out of whack, I haven't made any progress on my studies. Hopefully that will change tomorrow. I have a few more things to sort out as well, including a bill that needs paid. Glad I posted on that, it jarred my memory. That has to be a priority.
Other than that, Friends, everything else is fairly normal. Ed and the boys are OK. Jon is carrying good grades in school. Dave and Eddie are entrenched in algebra at college, and they're not really happy with it. LOL. They didn't like it the first time they took it, and they're less than thrilled to be repeating it. In their fields, it's not too likely they will use it much, so they don't see the point of it. I have to say I agree with them, but they must do it. And I can't crow too loudly, either, because once I finish information systems management, I have to take college algebra. Not too sure how well that's going to go. I'm not even sure how they placed me in college algebra because it's been 30+ years since I took regular algebra, and I'm pretty sure there's no way I did well on it on the pre-admission assessment. Hmmmm. Well, it will prove interesting, that's for sure.
It sure is nice to come here and exchange updates with my friends around the world. Brings me a sense of peace and happiness. Distance does not have to equal isolation from my loved ones all over the globe, and I thank God for that.
Time for bed now.