May 15, 2012 12:05
So. Either I'm going to start seriously looking for a new job, or I'll be throwing down with my DM. Again. Because the level of incompetent people she hires for the district is getting ridonkulous. A manager should not be pissing off customers that dropped $1500 in a sale because he doesn't want to return $40 in merchandise that they didn't want a day later.
A drop in the motherfucking bucket, ja?
And she wonders why I refuse a promotion. I saw what happened with the last good manager: she got worked like a fucking mule and was still getting written up because her sales per hour weren't high enough. Yea. No. Managing 3 stores is not conducive to having high sales numbers when the stores you're overseeing are in low traffic areas. But heaven forbid corporate use their fucking brains.
....huh. Think I just convinced myself to just give up on this clusterfuck company. Good job me!
job woes