Apr 09, 2010 04:37
Randomly decided as of now: My B-day gift to myself this year is gonna be a Captain America related tattoo.
I'll worry about details later.
That Parade thing on Wii Fit +? Is fun. It's even better since (cool kid that I am), my Mii is totally not me. And totally Chouji. So it's cute little pudgy Chouji leading a parade. And the colours! THE COLOURS! I confess to making Miis of Chouji, Lee, and Gai. But I'm not a Narutard! My brother made a Saucegay one! HE'S WORSE!
I wanna see Kick Ass. But fuck if I'll pay money for it. Maybe I'll see if the kid wants to go...then I can turn it into a Brother sister bonding thing. And the folks'll foot the bill. BRILLIANT!
go to bed bitch,