Leave a comment saying, "COMMENT" (or whatever) and I will give you five words I associate with you. Then post about what they mean to you, along with this, at your journal.
your icon
Because it's true. Whether you know it or not, you've always long for some dynamic fucking. And since only Gai can provide it, you want to have youthful sex with him. It's a scientific fact.
That said, Gai was the initial reason I even bothered with paying any attention to Naruto. I then turned into a Rock Lee fangirl. Bowlcuts have never been more fappable. AND THEY NEVER WILL BE.
your username
Waaaaaaay back in highschool, I'd skipped and crashed at
marmalade's and we spent the entire day watching Steel Angel Kurumi. The song still randomly gets stuck in my head, and I always start at the "Kiss kara hajimara" part. So, when needing a username for forums/games/etc. I just went and merged the 'kiss' and 'kara' and made a name. And then, just because I'm silly like that, I did the whole R = L in Nipponese thing. So if you've seen either the double L or the single R spelling anywhere else, it's probably me.
I has 'em. 4 total. 5 if you count Bonqueesha - but I made a gift of her to
fauxfaia, so uh. Yea. Amusingly enough, I got into dolls because of her. I'd run across her at an Otakon before I'd actually met her, and saw her Chowon and thought it was damn cool. So I did some searching on the net, and got more info. Dollfie Dream was my gateway drug. And Unoa was my dream (as is Heath. But...I'm sure that ship has sailed). And between the two, I tripped over and got two Luts and a Serendipity (before the discontinued the mold I wanted too SCORE). I won't be satisfied until I can make me an Iron Klaus character doll. And did I mention Heath? Because that fucker is my dream Treize.
My wallet weeps.
video games
Boy do I play them! As far back as I can recall, I've always gamed. My mom is completely to blame in this fact. Weeknights at the local bowling alley playing Joust and Gauntlet. To her late nite Mario sessions. She was even the one to encourage my camping out stores at 4 AM for Wiis because she really wanted one. She's currently enjoying herself with my little brother and Tatsunoko vs Capcom. She gets a kick out of watching me game on XBL - trash talking is just the greatest thing for her. So I ham it up when she's in the room.
On a non-mom related gaming tidbit: I used to rage out something fierce when gaming. Most of my school friends may have noticed the ungodly amount of PS1 and 2 controllers I had.... My preferred method of raging was the trusty controller hurl technique ("WHAT DO YOU MEAN FISSION MAILED?! FUCK THIS SHIT *SLAM CONTROLLER*"). Now that controllers are so damn expensive you can now laugh as I fume, eyeball the controller, and then
oh so very gently place it away from myself. And then throw a game case, or pillow. Whichever I can get my hands on first.
dr. doom
That sexy motherfucker. Part of it is trolling other comic fans, because he's a villain that has slowly be written into being a much more compelling character than most Marvel heroes. The other is because he's just a sexy shiny ruler of a nation. Y'know? Power and all that jazz. He's a gateway between liking flesh characters and then turning into a full on Transformers fag. It's that damn metal, I tell you. Oh, and his ego. It's faaaaaaantastic. On top of that (back with the whole trolling thing), I like to argue that he's the better king for Storm to have married, and watch Black Panther fans flip their shit. Feels good, man.