Apr 11, 2007 01:13

So to recap, I had a bet with dear old mommy: 2 weeks. 10 lbs. First to lose it wins.

I started at 167, stuck to fruits and water (snuck in some Sunny D)...back peddled this weekend and ate like a homeless man, but I'm better now. Back to fruits, Sunny D, and water (and some tea.) Mom asked for a random weigh in. I clocked in at 152. Mom was shy by 4lbs.

I TOLD YOU I WAS HARDCORE! I figured something must be going on since I could friggin fit fauxfaia's pants.

Now I'm all inspired to continue this healthy shit. After the two weeks (since I committed myself to it), I'll start adding food to this plan o' mine.

fast 07, life

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