So definitely a love it or hate it episode. Even more than Girl in the Fireplace. Personally, I mildly liked it.
"What's the twin planet of Raxicoricofallapatorious called anyway?"
Mark Elton was lovely as Elton, and pulled off a lovely range of things. And didn't he and Jackie work so well? Awwww... poor Jackie. The woman is obviously a jinx around mechanical things and how nice to get a Mickey reference.
I loved the whole LINDA group, even though we could just sense they were all going to die horribly. *sigh*
I was talking to
mara_sho about just why this episode worked better than the equivalent Buffy episode Storyteller. Personally, I think it's because we got to know and like Elton relating his story before Victor turned up, and the story shifted. Compare that to the ever annoying Andrew and his ever changing series of events. Whereas Rose is normally the audience POV, her absence this week forces you to rely more on the new POV. By showing us his take on events we know of, and showing that he's basically the same as us, you automatically side with him. Andrew started off bad, went quickly to annoying and made a terminal stop at delusion.
I loved, loved, loved the side chase at the start. In the best traditions of farce. *grins*
A Torchwood reference and a Bad Wolf ref? Interesting....
"We have a sex life of sorts," while Elton holds the paving stone over his crotch. *stares* How the hell did that get through?
In general, an interesting attempt at showing just what happens at the edges of the Doctor's adventures. And yet, it's very much Russell T Davies to a nutshell - full of moments that will be remembered and quoted for ages, but not a brilliant plot structure. Overall, I liked.