Issue #2: Boster Gold vs. The Feminine Wiles!

May 08, 2011 15:07

Action 1  Flower shop

[Booster is stopping by the flower shop, and he's spending far too much of his hard earned cash doing a humiliating job on flowers for the few ladies he's met here or that he knows.  Now that being said, other ladies are just as capable of talking him out of flowers, just if he doesn't know you, he won't be thinking of you]

Action 2  By the hardware shop

[Booster heard that women are having a hard time getting useful things from the hardware shop and he's there to help.  He's also mostly broke at this point but, he's there to help.]

Action 3  Out and about but stopping by Romana's, Misfit's, and Miss Martian's homes

[Booster Gold is out on patrol today!  He's also delivering the flowers he got earlier.  He's whistling something out of tune and looking like the goofed up looser he is, but he's trying.]
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