-At It Again- (fic)

Jan 08, 2010 22:34

Title: At It Again
Pairing: Noel/Julian
Summary: Noel parties too much, Julian to the rescue!
Word Count: Well, it's pretty short.
Rating: PG 13
Disclaimer: I don't own things.
A/N: This is my first, be kind, comment if you wish ;)

9:13 > Noel is lying on the sofa, attempting to read a book.

9:16 > His phone rings. Now he's going clubbing.

9:35 > Noel makes sure his hair looks fine, and checks to see if he's got everything he needs.
            Wallet, check. Johnnies, check. Roll ups, check.
            He leaves.

9:12 > Julian hears hairspray shooting from a can. He's at it again.

9:37 > He hears a muffled call goodbye. Then he's gone. Another night, spent alone.

The music is pounding in his ears. He can hardly see because of the strobe lights, and the smoke is making it hard to breathe. He staggers to a table to catch his breath. He sways. He feels awfully smashed. Now he's at the dance floor again - he doesn't know how he got there. He feels a tug at his shirt. The buttons are slowly coming undone, one by one. He can sense someone rubbing his chest, kisses harshly attacking his neck. Someone is pulling at his belt. There's no time to wonder. He can faintly see someone getting further away from him, looking crushed and lost. The tugging continues. Now he's in the toilets. Part of him wishes he were still out on the dance floor - the fluorescent lights in the bathroom are hurting his eyes. He knows whats coming. His belt finally comes free and is thrown God knows where. Right now though, he just doesn't care. His trousers are at his ankles, and small, sweaty hands are groping at his arse. He feels a tongue flick at one of his earlobes. The same hands grip his exposed shoulders as he reaches out with his own hands, and forces the strangers' head toward his groin...

1:01 > Julian is asleep, almost. "Fuck," comes a voice from downstairs. Noel is back. A loud crash assures his return. Julian     
             figures he'd better go see what's up.

1:04  > Noel is now at the foot of the stairs. He's got no shirt on, but a jacket is thrown lazily over his shoulders. The fly on his trousers is undone, and his mascara is running - he's secretly weeping. This is a common image for early Sunday mornings with Noel.

1:16 > Julian fetches the mug of strongly made black coffee from the counter, and hands it to Noel. "Drink, " he offers. The sad looking man on the couch rejects it. Julian places the mug on the table.

1:19 > Noel finally speaks. "I'm just so tired Ju. I can't keep doing this. I'm a wreck. Look at me," he says sadly. Julian gets up from the chair he was sitting in and moves over to comfort Noel. He plants a kiss on the top of Noel's head, and brushes the dyed black hair back behind his ear. 'Noel looks especially beautiful when he's sad,' Julian thinks to himself. They stay in that position, just two best mates, one offering the other their condolences, for a long time. Eventually, they sleep.

10:02 > It's morning. Noel is still dozing when Julian pecks his best friend's cheek to wake him up. "I'm so happy to have a friend like you," he says lovingly to Julian.

10:07 (Next Saturday night) > Julian hears the door close. 'He's at it again.'

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